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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Toy Story 3 Has Spiritual Application???

Thanks to Netflix my kids were watching Toy Story 3 a few nights ago. I sat down to watch towards the end of the movie and yes... I admit... I was crying like a baby... There is one part in particular that I had found quite touching. As we sit re-watching the movie this afternoon I had to pause it to have a heart to heart with my kids. They all think I'm a big sap for crying over a cartoon movie but after explaining to them my point of view they're more understanding ;) and even agree! (At least Emily does... the rest of them still think I'm a bit cookoo.)

Ok so the section of the movie I'm all worked up about is when all the toys are at the dump. Lotso the bear is a big meanie but Woody rescue's him because that's the right thing to do. A few minutes later all the toys realize they're about to be dumped into the furnace. As they're running Lotso notices a ladder up to a "STOP" button but he can't climb it on his own. So Woody and Buzz boost him up. As all the toys are running for their little toy lives, they're trusting in Lotso to hit the STOP button and save them. Lotso is mean and selfish and decides NOT to save them. So all the toys are cast into the furnace. As they slide closer and closer to the fire Buzz and Jessie exchange a look of hopelessness and grasp hands. All around the circle all the toys reach out to cling to one another... Woody is the great leader of the bunch and NOT willing to give up. He's climbing, climbing but as he see's his friends he realizes there is no hope. As their leader he is the one to hold them all together grabbing hands and trying to give comfort knowing they're all about to be cast into the fire. With sadness they cling to each other waiting to be engulfed in the blazing fire. All of a sudden there is a bright light from above and a giant claw reaches down and scoops up the group of toys just in time. Whoo hoo they're saved by the little green men who worship "The Claw."

When I watched that I know the wheels were turning and my wheels turn in odd ways... I compared Lotso to Satan... He's selfish... He wants to bring souls to destruction. He will trick you to trust him and in the end you will burn. Now all the rest of the toys I compare to lost people in this world. There are some wonderful, loving, good people who try to do good and be good but in the end without a Savior there is a lake of fire waiting for them. No matter how good, kind, righteous humans try to be it will not be enough. Only through the blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God can a human be saved. The clothes you wear, the habits you make, the righteousness you create will not be sufficient on judgment day. Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ today. You are not promised tomorrow.

I am thankful for saving Grace. I'm not worthy but I'm born again by the blood of Jesus. He was bruised for our transgressions. Believe today and be saved.
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