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Thursday, August 28, 2008


Our 4H group has a pet hamster which our family is caring for this month. The hamster is named "Hammy" and we now have some little "Hamlets." The hamster was very pregnant and we've been watching her since Tuesday to see her have those babies but we missed it cause we woke up today to find little hairless wonders under the mamma Hammy. Here's some pictures we took. She is pretty protective of them right now and wouldn't really let us get a look at them. She is hovering over them as you can see but we have a couple shots where you can just see the babies.


Latte said...

Very Cool!

TrishHawks said...

Oh my gosh! That is really so much fun! I remember I used to have a lot of hamster when I was little. Jackie got me started by giving me one as a present for Christmas! My dad didn't like that much. But anyway one of my hamsters had a ton of babies too! We ended up giving them to the pet store to sell but they were tons of fun for the few weeks we had them!

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