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Monday, November 15, 2010

Blessed By Fashion Sense!

Anyone who knows my 10 year old daughter will testify that she has a "unique" sense of fashion. Many times I have cringed as she presented herself "ready for church" or other events. Sometimes I let it slide but there are times I just have to make her change... Candy striped toe socks, flip flops, and orange skirt and a blue shirt... These are the atrocities I try to make Emily notice, but things like that really don't bother her. She really just likes to wear all her favorite things at once. She is also a fan of all things comfortable. She would live in sweat pants, stretchy pants etc... if I'd allow it. It's now a standing rule at our house that when I say to get dressed because we're leaving the house, there are no sweat pants allowed!

If you really know Emily you will also know that she is my biggest helper. I was very blessed to have a daughter as my first born. Especially since the next three are crazy little boys! Emily is know as "Memy" by her littlest brother Taylor. He sometimes even prefers her over his Mamma when things aren't going his way. Emily spoils him rotten! One thing Emily does super well is when things are hectic and busy during getting ready to leave the house, she will always help by getting Taylor ready to go. Today was no exception. When Taylor came into the bathroom to get his hair combed I took one look at him and was just overwhelmed with thankfulness. You might think I'm crazy but everything about what he was wearing shouted "MY SISTER LOVES ME." So as I'm typing and holding back the boohoo's I just have to smile and brag on my sweet Emily. It's funny how something so silly as what my son is wearing brought a huge blessing to my day.

Notice the too small tucked in dress shirt paired with sweat pants and snow boots...

Taylor removed his snow boots to reveal his colorful, totally Emily, mismatched socks...

Everything about this picture says to me.... "My sissy loves me!"

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Black Walnuts Life Change!

My sweet sister told me a few months ago that instead of a "diet" her and her husband doing a "life change." I thought that was so cool and I ask her often if she's still on her "life change." She's doing very well and seems happy.

My husband Chris is about to experience a "life change." We're a homeschooling family and the kids and I are making him our project for the next few months. I'm slowly picking up bits and pieces of information to begin the process. Of course we will all be doing this "life change" with Chris because as a family we all eat together.

One interesting thing I picked up while watching a documentary called "Food Matters" is to drink one liter of water first thing in the morning before you eat anything. So we're going to start trying this. Now the kids won't be able to drink quite that much but I think a glassful will do just fine. This is supposed to help your digestive system clean itself out... We'll see. I thought it sounded like something easy that we could add to our "life change." Things have to be easy and habit forming because otherwise I don't see us sticking to it.

The next thing I thought of was while I was shelling Black Walnuts. Normally this time of year I shell them and sell them! Well not this year. Instead we are going to keep all the nuts we shell and use them in our "life change." Black Walnuts are rich rich rich in nutrients. I had thought about starting a multivitamin but they cost money. The Black Walnuts were laying all over our lawn for free. It just took a little elbow grease.

So for Chris and I we will start our day off with a liter of water and 3.5 Tbs of Black Walnuts. The kids will have lower doses of both. Black Walnuts contain essential minerals, like magnesium, copper, selenium, iron and potassium. The amount we're going to work with has 175 calories which I have no idea if that's high or not but they also have 6.8 grams of Protein, 11.9 grams of Fiber and 11 mg. of Vitamin C. I haven't researched yet to find out what the recommended daily intake of all these nutrients is but this is a start. Isn't that what a "life change" is all about? Taking the first step and actually STARTING! Black Walnuts also have good cholesterol and are good for lowering cholesterol and decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Wish us luck and I'll keep ya posted in the next week or so to see if I notice a difference.
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