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Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Well today I turned 28 and I voted for a new president. We had a homeschool co-op get together today and learned about Elections. It was pretty fun. The kids got to show their election video they made and we got to share what we've learned about elections. We had a vote and Logan won! That's ok because Emily won the online vote. We had Barrack O'Bama, John McCain and Hillary Clinton stuffed dolls to illustrate our presentation to the co-op today. It was so much fun. After we finished we all went to our local polling place where the kids got to see us vote. It was a good day and I'm excited to see who wins. Here are some pictures we took on this election day!


Emily watches Chris cast his vote.
Firm Foundations Christian Home Educators!!!
Emily with the candidates.
Taylor with the candidates!
Brett with the Candidates!
Logan with the candidates.
Me & My Emily

I am sitting here watching the news as I post this and I am amazed at all the people saying they took their kids with them to vote. I was really was worried about how everyone would act with our homeschool group taking all the kids in with us to watch us vote. I am happy to see how many other people did this. It is so important to get out and vote and we need to teach the younger generations how important it is. God Bless America!


~j said...

good for you!!!

we've always taken the children with us....when we had touch screen systems, we let them push the buttons. they are now college students who are passionate voters.

Jason and Tiff said...

I love the picture of you and Emily at the bottom! She's so pretty! You are going to have to chase the boys away from her! You two really look so alike! Cute!

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