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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Day With Dad!

Chris took the kids on a hike the other day. Taylor and I stayed home because the hike down to this cave at Bennett Springs is like three miles in so like six miles round trip and I didn't feel up to dragging Taylor along right now. Well they took the camera so I have some cool pictures and cool stories about their adventures. They really had fun and I'm glad they got to get out and explore.

Emily Brett & Logan in some sort of hollow.

This is not the same hollow spot as the one above. Logan was the only one who climbed up to this one. He is like a monkey. Chris said he just took his shoes off and shimmied up the side and into the hole. Of course I was freaked out when I heard Chris let him explore a "cave" by himself. Chris said Logan got up there and said he could see the back wall and there were lots of flies in there LOL

Logan sittin' proud after his climb.
Logan climbing back down. It's a lot steeper than it looks in the first picture.
This is the little creek inside the tunnel cave that they hiked to. I guess the cave is open at both ends with a creek running through it.
One of the openings of the cave. A view from inside.

Logan found a friend along the way.

This is a video of the kids playing in the creek in the cave.


Burkulater said...

That is so cool! What wonderful times!

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

These are beautiful photos.

I came here from YouTube... your video of Logan doing math. I am homeschooling my autistic son Elf. He just turned 9. But when I watched the video, Logan was JUST LIKE my littler son Emperor. My word. The constant talking, humming, etc. LOL

"I just know it in my brain" LOL that sometimes these schools aren't the best place for children.

I live in Missouri. We started homeschooling after Elf was locked several times in a "recovery room," a cement closet with a door. Thankfully at least MO homeschool law is relatively lax and I didn't have to justify myself to "officials."

Interesting little comments under your video. Good grief, some people have *no clue* what things are like until they live it.

Sigh. Well, God bless ya. I enjoyed your little guy BTW.

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