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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Home Burns
Today was a sad day. We were going to town with my aunt Crystal and had to stop off to give my uncle some lunch. He had been at work but ran a street over to help put out a house fire. This woman's house burned to the ground today. Her pooch was saved but she lost her cat. She is 90 years old. I happened to have my camera with me and took some photographs and a video. If you watch the video you will hear the scum of human kind. A man trying to get down the road yells in the beginning of my video for a "firetruck" to get the hell out of the road... The firetruck that was trying to get to this fire. Yet this man was in such a hurry as he passed by this burning home he had to yell out his window at the truck. I wish I'd have gotten a look at his face or license plate. It is a shame how shameful people can act.

I know this is not a laughing matter but this picture cracks me up. This firefighter is hosing down the propane tank that is about ten feet from this blazing fire... If I were him I think I'd be standing a little farther from the tank LOL


K.T. is Mommatude said...

Poor woman...I hope she gets the assistance she needs to help her make it through.That is awful!

Anonymous said...

I thought people only acted like that in the big city - incredible! I hope that woman gets support from family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Is the woman ok? I just saw the video. The Ignorance of some people! I really hope she has some kind of help to get through this tragedy. How did the fire start? Hopefully it wasn't intentionally set.

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