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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

My Garden Lookie Look!!!

Yesterday I did some serious spring cleaning. Today we decided to tackle the outdoors. I mowed the lawn and tried to use the weed eater but the string ran out so I had to give that up. I uncovered my pepper plants so they could get some of this rain we are supposed to get soon. While I was out there I took pictures of my garden to share with all! I've grown all my plants from seed and they're all heirloom plants which basically means I can save the seeds from the stuff I grow and not have to buy them again :)
These are the raised beds that Chris built for me and the hothouse frames. We decided it' easier to just leave those on lol. These two beds are my tomatoes.
This was my first bed of tomatoes I planted. I grew the plants from seed indoors and they are huge already. I'm so excited!!! I've never had plants this nice.
This is my second bed of tomatoes. I used different method of planting because these were so tall and I didn't want to dig down into my yucky old soil. So these were planted trench style. They're not as big as the others but they were planted later and they're healthy.
Another view of my tomato bed... the kids and I made us a brick sidewalk lol cause we were sick of walking in the mud.
And look I already have tomatoes!!! YAY!
Another view of the tomato beds.
This is the kids part of the garden :) We put all the toys where I could watch them play while I'm hard at work :p I like to keep them close.
My bed of peppers. I have 10 different varieties of heirloom pepper plants in there. Yum. I grew these from seed as well.
These are my other garden boxes. I have squash and cucumbers in some and I am going to plant beans in the three down the middle. There will be three when Chris builds my last two boxes. You can look at my soil and see why I needed to use raised beds. It's terrible soil! I've filled my raised beds with good stuff and laid down straw to help with the weed situation I always run into.
Heirloom squash I grew from seed :)
And that's my garden so far! :)

These are cherry tomatoes :)
This is what I have indoors still that I need to find good homes for! Lots of squash and cucumbers, and a few melons I haven't got mine planted yet I'm still looking for tractor tires.
Homeless plants...
Emily's room mates.


Latte said...

show off! LOL just kidding! You are an inspiration!


Jackie said...

Oh my gosh! That is quite the garden! We planted one, but it might have been too late. And it certainly doesn't look like a professional green house! You're a good farmer. :)

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