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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Seeds & Mirrors

I'm so excited, spring is just around the corner. I am going to try growing my own vegetable plants this year from seed, instead of buying plants. I ordered heirloom seeds so I will be able to save the seeds out of the plants I grow and hopefully not have to buy more seeds again next year. Today we planted all our tomato seeds. I'm excited to see if I can actually do this. If I fail I can always buy plants in the spring and try again next year. We have the green house effect going on with the zip lock bags as you can see. I also finally bought some berry bushes too. I always say I'm going to do this and never get around to it in time. So I have two each of blackberry, raspberry and blueberry. I planted them in pots to begin with and when the weather is warm enough I'm going to transplant them outside. Chris is going to help me build raised beds for most of my gardening this year. I'm so excited!!! Did I say that already?

Yesterday we went to some thrift stores and I found this amazing mirror for our bathroom. We were going to have to buy one anyway and all the nice mirrors I've like have been in the $200 range! Who would have thought a bathroom mirror would cost that much. Well this mirror was like brand new. There are no scratches anywhere and it has a solid frame that matches the bathroom perfectly. It was only $40!!! I was giddy all the way home over getting it... It will hang long way over the bathroom sink.


LeatherneckJoe said...

Looks like you are gotten a very nice start to your seed growing.

Burkulater said...

I hope you don't think I'm a weirdo! This post cracks me up. I wish I had pictures. We're doing the same thing at our house with the plants. The kids got a kick out of watching the beans sprout. :)

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