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Friday, June 23, 2006

Have you ever had a really stupid fight with your spouse??? Yesterday morning my husband told me that he was out of socks. Ok! I got it. Well I didn't do any laundry at all yesterday. SO this morning I awoke to Chris griping at me because he was out of socks. I felt bad that I had spaced it the day before and not done any laundry. THEN I realized he was holding a pair of socks! He is sitting there holding "the last pair of socks" and griping at me because he told me yesterday he was out of socks and I hadn't washed any. So of course I was ticked off and I just told him I'd wash some socks today and I rolled over to catch a few more minutes of sleep.

This was one of those stupid fights that just didn't want to die... When I got out of bed five minutes later Chris was still grouching about the socks. Now keep in mind this is totally my point of view and I am giving you the low down on what happened. I am not "husband bashing" I want to get some advice on how in the world we can avoid these kind of stupid fights. If I'm wrong please lay it on me I need to know what behavior I can change to avoid these arguments in the future.

Ok so I am combing my hair and Chris comes into the bedroom and starts in about the socks. I really didn't want to talk about it so I told him that I was really annoyed because to me, this fight should never have happened because he has a pair of socks. If he wakes up tomorrow and has no socks, then fine GRIPE all you want but shut up for now cause you have socks. Then he tells me he was trying to apologize but was just trying to get me to see his point. Well to me if you apologize and then continue to try to prove a point that's not a real apology so I was even MORE mad.

Then Chris leaves for work and the phone calls start. He calls me to apologize and it begins again. He is trying to tell me how I said I'd wash socks and didn't wash them and I'm telling him how it shouldn't matter cause he had a pair of socks in his drawer. Now when we have these conversations about socks or whatever it is it makes me feel bad. I take it as him calling me lazy and I really take offense. I work hard even though I am no longer working outside the home. I have a lot to take care of all day long. It's not like Chris ever forgets to do something I ask him to. So I'm getting more and more angry feeling like he's insinuating I'm lazy and HE HAD SOCKS.

So I'm not really trying now to make things right cause I'm mad. The next phone call I'm a little more calm and I bring up the fact that Chris didn't put away the spaghetti from dinner last night like I asked him and things start to wind down. I can tell now that he is just sick of fighting. I feel bad now though because I had to bring up something that he "didn't" do to justify something that I didn't do. I see his point. The fact is that I said I'd wash socks and then I didn't do what I said. I was trying to have him see my point as well that I FORGOT. But why do I always have to be right? I couldn't just let go of my anger and tell him I'm sorry I'll wash some socks. I actually did say that at first but I wasn't in a very nice mood and just like a fake apology Chris could tell I wasn't sorry.

This was a stupid fight and I don't understand how it happened. I guess I could have ended it first thing by just saying I'm sorry I forgot in a humble tone instead of a "shut up I'll get it done" tone.


Pamela said...

It's called stress Kristie...happens all the time. When you look back at it you will both laugh about the whole situation. I love you...MOM

Mr. Khurram said...

kristie Dear! it's part of life, each 'n' every couple in every part of the world get into fight sometimes so it shouldn't be a big deal. As for this particulr case, I can say that you were right coz he had socks to wear 'n' there's no need to complain. Though I always keep ready an extra suit, socks 'n' all stuff, for urgent need. *Smiles*

God bless you....

K.T. is Mommatude said...

Girl,I agree with you.I will just say that it happens with Jamie and I all of the time.As far as the tone goes if your matched his then I definitely feel like you were right on.

Unknown said...

I'm just glad we could get over it. Sometimes these stupid fights go on for days lol and it's really stupid ;) Thanks guys.

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