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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I am so excited!!! I was so sad and disappointed this year because I wasn't doing a garden. I didn't do one last year and the year before I tried for the first time and nothing even grew! Chris helped me put out a really nice garden this year. We borrowed a tiller from my Uncle and Aunt and Chris worked his butt off getting the ground behind the house all tilled up. There were, and still are tons of rocks to pick up but we got some fertilizer put down and plants in the ground. We planted 7 tomato plants, 2 habanero pepper plants, 6 cucumber plants, 6 sweet bell pepper plants, 6 jalapeno pepper plants, a row of onions and green onions and a row of green beans. We had some problems with the rabbits eating the plants but Chris put up some fence and now the rabbits are out of luck.

Here is Emily helping water the garden.

This is Emily watering her watermelons that Daddy let her plant just for her and Logan.

Here are my hard workers LOL poor Brett was so dirty and he got hold of the gas can and spilled gas on himself so we had to strip all his clothes off him.

Logan looks beat. He got hit in the head with a rock when we were throwing them out of the garden... He started watching where he was running after that poor fella

I am very proud of my garden and I'm so lucky to have the greatest husband who helped me! I couldn't have done it without his help :D


Renee said...

Good for y'all! Mark used to do a little garden with just tomatoes and cucumbers, but not lately. My babysitter's husband does do a huge garden and give us lots of free goodies!

~Crystal~ said...

Oh wow! That garden sounds wonderful. Ya'll like peppers huh? There ain't nothing better than fresh veggies in the Summer. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

Do you like to cook? I just started a recipe sharing blog, if you want to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Hello Kristie! It is Rachel! I just wanted to stop by and say hello and let you know that I made it back from Hawaii just fine :) I then took a trip to Florida and found a house of which I will be moving to... :) Hope to hear from you soon! Give me a call!

Miss you!!!

Mr. Khurram said...

Well, We 've a problems in big cities, no gardens, not such as onion, tomato 'n' pepper stuff though. I think it's cool to eat home grown stuff, where ever I get to visit my country place I get to taste it. *Smiles*

God bless you....

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