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Friday, May 05, 2006

Ok it's rant time... everybody brace yourselves. This morning on Good Morning America they were talking about President Bush jokes. Now I know how it is... I have had people make jokes about me and I can usually laugh right along with anyone, unless the joke is derogatory and made to make me look stupid or foolish. I don't think it is ok for ANYONE to make a joke about another person to make them look foolish. There is a line that has to be drawn when it comes to whether or not a joke is all in good fun or mean and hateful.

Good Morning America has a section on their home page today where you can vote whether or not the Bush jokes are funny. As of 11:oo AM CST 71.5% of voters think the jokes are still funny keep them coming... Only 28.4% think the comics have gone too far. I am in that 28.4%. Americans listen up. What are we showing all the other countries in this world??? Even if you think our president is uneducated, or a liar, or even worse why can't we show a little respect?

In the Old Testament before Israel had kings they had judges. The people wanted to be like all the other kingdoms though, they wanted a king. The prophet Samuel tried to tell the people that this is not what God wanted. God knows best and he knew that having judges was better than having a King, but God didn't force his will upon the people. He gave them what they wanted, a King. That King was Saul who was good at first but then went against God and lost God's blessing. God was bringing a new king to power, David. If you read about Davids life you will see that even though he was mistreated by Saul and had every excuse in the world to get rid of him David never raised his hand against God's anointed King. David was a man after God's own heart and he knew that he had to follow God. In time God bought about Davids rise to King.

My point is that President Bush may be in your eyes a bad person, or stupid, or whatever you wish to call him or see him as BUT he is the man AMERICA voted for. God has put him where he is and we need to have some RESPECT. Jokes are fun and we should all be able to laugh at ourselves but how in the world are we supposed to gain respect from other countries if we cannot even show that we respect ourselves and our leaders?

What are we teaching our children? There is so much school violence and you're always hearing in the news about how cruel children can be to each other. Bullying has become punishable in schools. By ridiculing our nations leaders how in the world do we have a right to expect our children to treat anyone with respect? I think we should all quit with the Bush jokes and in spite of his faults try to show a little support at least for the sake of uniting together in one accord as Americans. We don't all have to agree on everything but we need to quit acting like bullies and making fun of him everytime he makes a mistake or says something stupid in a speech.


K.T. is Mommatude said...

Amen.I decided not to send a bulletin yesterday for the same reasons....Someone was upset at this persons personal values and decided to create a bulletin listing names,addresses and phone numbers along with a video off of the news showing the wrong doing,I may not agree with this person but that is no reason to post their private phone numbers,private address or any other personal info on the internet!For the whole world to know.I told my husband,okay,regardless of what they did or said that is just not right.MY ranting day too,lol

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but the american people did not put Bush in office, nor did God.......the Supreme Court did.
And for the gal who didn't vote because of jury duty.....that was ages they get jurors thru the DMV.

Mr. Khurram said...

kristie! I need your opinion about somethin' on my blog. *Smiles*

God bless you....

Unknown said...

LOL Ok you can use that excuse for the first election but what about the second??? Any excuses for that one?

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