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Monday, May 01, 2006

Logan had his appointment with the neurologist today. He absolutely does NOT have autism :) It was a great relief even though I was beginning to think we were wrong to think he might be to begin with. Three months ago we found information on the internet that led us to believe that Logan might have autism. Well the pediatrician made Logan an appointment three months later to see a neurologist. That appointment was today.

The doctor was really nice. He came in and played with Logan for a while to evaluate him. He said that Logan has some speech delays and we will have to keep working with him on that. He has improved so much the past three months that I am confident he will catch up without too much trouble.

I rearranged my bedroom yesterday :) I just moved my dresser and put a TV in there on the night stand. Now I can watch the news in bed instead of on the couch :p I don't know why that makes me so happy but it's great to have a TV in my room :p Just as long as it doesn't keep me from reading my Bible at night.... I didn't think about that when I put it in there.

I think I'm going to try to have a yard sale this weekend. I went through all the clothes and stuff from winter and dug out all the summer stuff and there is just so much stuff that needs to go. Our house is small and we don't have a lot of room so I try to get rid of stuff that we don't use as quick as I can ;) I hate having yard sales but I love going to them :p


K.T. is Mommatude said...

We have been there,,Kyla,we thought she was autistic,she was so withdrawn and she hit and bit herself and was not speaking,turns out she had a speech problem and was just severely shy which she still is,she turned 5 Monday and she no longer bites herself but still has a slight speech problem.I am so glad that everything came out well for you too!! It would be so weird not to have a T.V. in my bedroom,being that I am an insomniac,but it hasn't always been so.Again I am really happy everything came out fine for your son!!!!!!!!!!!

Renee said...

Great news about Logan. Autism seems to be so often diagnosed these days, I'm sure it worries most parents at one time or another.
I also hate giving yard sales but love going to them!

Anonymous said...

Kristi ~ so..what does Logan have?

meaning, if you thought he had some ailment before..

Mr. Khurram said...

Kristie Dear! I'm glad that Logan is improvin', God Bless him.

I know you 're born again Christian 'n' I loved it that you do care about things that can be involved with Faithm like you 're thinkin' about TV might disturb you while you read your Bible at night. It's Great!

I need your opinion on somethin' on my blog, please do check it. *Smiles*

God bless you....

Unknown said...

Logan doesn't have anything I don't believe. I'm sure the docs will want to diagnose him with ADD because he is extrememly hyper active and has trouble focusing but I don't want to label him just yet. I would love to wait till he starts school and see if I can get him into some programs where we can work with him on these issues.

Anonymous said...

Kristi ~ i have undiagnosed ADD *unofficially those who know me well can confirm this*

..some of it appears to have chemical causation. some foods make me very hyper.

ur son may face difficulty in school; people say im above average intelligence but i had problems concentrating in school, then at work, etc.

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