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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What a week! I don't even know where to start. Last Wednesday is when it all began to get crazy. I posted a nice little post about my garden and how happy I was and then got the urge to go out and pick gooseberries. So I loaded up the kids and we took off to Chris's dads farm outside of town. We were having a ton of fun picking berries, Emily and Logan were playing around climbing tree's and Brett was eating the berries :p... Then we found this bush that was just loaded down with berries. So I got to pickin' and Emily found a really cool tree to climb.

Well it didn't take long... I heard a snap and looked up just in time to see Emily falling out of the tree! She had tried to go out on a limb and it was dead so of course snapped right off. She only fell about five feet but that was all it took. I seen her hit the ground with her left foot underneath her. She cried of course as any child would and I helped her limp over to the gator. The gator is an ATV four wheeler type thing that we can ride around the woods in.

Well I thought she was just a little shaken and would be ok and she said she felt ok so I went back to picking some more berries before we had to go. Well even though she said she was ok she kept on complaining and whining so I went back and checked on her and noticed her left ankle was swelling up really bad. I loaded up the berries and the kids and we headed back out of the woods to the van. Chris was at the shop building cleaning paintball barriers when I got there and I told him we needed to go right away and take Emily to the Emergency Room. So we took Brett and Logan to Grandma Judy's house and headed for Springfield with Emily.

When we got to the Urgent Care department they took X-Rays of Emily's ankle and couldn't see any fractures thank goodness. So they wrapped it and told her she should be able to start moving it around in 24 hours and in about 48 hours she should be able to start putting a little weight on it and walking around. Well it has been almost a whole week and Emily still refuses to use her foot at all. We have to carry her everywhere we go and she just crawls around the house. Her ankle is still swollen and badly bruised. I will post some pictures I took when we get home.

I took her back to the doctor today and they redid the X-Rays and once again said there are no fractures. They gave her a special brace to put on her ankle and I don't think we'll be able to get it back off very easily. Emily screamed and cried when I put it on. Summer school is starting this Thursday and Emily really wants to be able to go, but I just don't see how she will be able to if she can't even walk. I am trying to get her some crutches to use so she can get around better but no one has them in stock they have to order them. Hopefully by Thursday Emily will be able to put a little weight on her ankle at least so she can walk.


Mr. Khurram said...

It made me sad to know this, Emily is such a cute child 'n' now she is in pain. I 'll Pray for her 'n' I'm sure that soon she 'll be doin' fine. *Smiles Prayers*

God bless you....

K.T. is Mommatude said...

Oh that was probably painful,mental picture,ooh-I would have been freaking out,I dont do well in those situations,I hate to take my kids to the park...because the slides are so high now-I just see bad things happening.Praying for her.

bookwormaddict said...

Hi Kristie Sue,
Not sure how I found your blog, but you sound really neat:) I'm so sorry to hear about Emily hurting her ankle. I have twisted mine twice and it was not fun to wait for it to heal:( Hopefully she'll be back on her feet again soon!
Picking berries sounds like a lot of fun!!!:)

Renee said...

Sorry about that. Is it just a really bad sprain? I'll be hoping that she gets better soon!

~Crystal~ said...

That must have scared you to death, when you saw her fall. Poor Emily. I hope she feels better soon.

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