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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

These are pictures of Emily's ankle six days after she sprained it. She still cannot put any weight on it and the doctors reviewed the X-Ray's again and said there are no breaks. Tomorrow summer school starts and I am going to go with her to see if she'll be able to make it through the day.

On to a happier subject... We had a really fun weekend. Every Memorial Day we get together with Chris's family at his Dad's farm for a big fish fry. It was a lot of fun and great family togetherness time. I only regret that my Mom and Stepdad couldn't be there with his kids. They had come out the past two years and we always had so much fun picking berries and fishing. I miss them a lot, but I bet fishing is a lot better in Hawaii ;)

Emily got to be pushed around in a stroller all day :p

Logan Keeping Cool

Brett trying to escape as usual.


Mr. Khurram said...

I'm not expert 'n' I can't tell somethin' aBout it by lookin' at the pic, but bein' a Boxer I can tell that her Blood Vins among the ankle 're pulled. It 'll take little time to be healed. Her foot just needs rest.

Thankyou for your comments on my blog, we 're not unknown, we 're Believers 'n' Bible says we 've strong bonds. *Smiles*

God bless you....

Renee said...

Poor little Emily-ankle. Hope she does okay at summer school today.
I love the picture of the baby in his diaper. Cute little chunkiness!

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