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Monday, February 06, 2006

Happy Monday! Whew I am just glad it's almost over. This has been such a boring long day lol. My dad is in town and I got to see him, my sister, my little brother and my sisters two kids for about an hour. I'm pretty bummed I didn't know they were coming and couldn't talk them into staying here with us instead of somewhere else. I never get to see them and I wish I had more notice when they come to town. It's usually just a quick trip and I get the five minute pity visit as they're heading out of town. One of these days I'm gonna pack up my kids and go stay a week end with them :p That'll show them.

I picked up some library books for Emily today. She is still doing the book it thing at school and so far she has the most pages turned in from her class. There is one little girl catching up to her though so she's really excited to read some more books. I love doing this because it makes me take the time to read to her and Logan. It's so easy to make an excuse not to but when there's a little something extra to give me that push it helps a lot. I'm the worlds worst procrastinator.

Emily told me that the one other girl in her class who had perfect attendance missed a day of school. She was so sad for the girl but so excited that she is now the only one in her class with perfect attendance. Emily cracks me up. She got a little sick over the weekend but made it just fine to school today. We were a little worried Saturday and we stayed home from church with her to make sure she got enough rest. Emily has gotten so lucky this year. She's had a bad cough all year but everytime she's gotten any sicker than that it's been on a weekend. We just have to make it to May!

My mom told me her husband Ken broke his leg the other day. Poor guy. Apparently playing football or something. His birthday is tomorrow so if you're reading this Ken, I just want you to know that's what happens when you get OLD :p Bones get brittle. Drink more milk :p Oh and Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kristi ~ hey! i thought i was the worst procrastinator of em' all!!

err milk should be taken with a magnesium supplement, else it may leach the very substance yer after from the bones..imo

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