What a day this is going to be. I'm skipping out on paintball this afternoon so I can do some chores. Having small children is so overwhelming at times. Emily is a super big helper. She can't do much yet since she is only five, but she helps a lot by picking up and putting away. I started having her carry all the dirty laundry to the basement, which is a big job but she gets it done. Logan is three so whenever it's clean up time I have to keep telling him constantly to pick up. He helps some but he mostly tries to find hiding places so he can get out of picking up. If he's wanting to play on the computer I can get him to help out by telling him he can't play until it's done. Brett is only one but he likes to put things in bags. :p He will pick up blocks and stuff but he doesn't know he's picking up. He usually dumps them out right afterwards too so it doesn't really count.
So I was sick yesterday and left work at 10:30 am and came home and crashed on the couch until 3:00 when I had to go pick Emily up from school. I am still not feeling well today but there are no clean towels and no clean bowels or cups :p so I really need to find some motivation to get myself moving. We've locked Brett in the kids room with the baby gate and he's really hating life. Even though there are mounds of toys in there he just wants to stand at the gate and cry at us. He likes to get into the stuff under the kitchen and bathroom sink. Little stinker.
We have a paintball tournament tomorrow. I'm so nervous. I love playing paintball but only for fun. I've watched some videos of professional tournaments and if this one is anything like those I will never play another one. I don't cheat and I don't want to play with cheaters. It seems like the "thing" to do in pro-paintball. When a guy gets shot he'll take off running up the field trying to shoot people from the opposing team. The reff's have to pull you if you have any hits so even though the guy that took off running was out if the reff's don't get to him before he shoots someone else then they're both out. I don't like those rules and it's gonna make me mad if people try to be scandalous to win. Oh well, I shouldn't be so worried about it. I even had dreams about paintball last night lol. I'm totally freaked out.
My mom flew out of Hawaii yesterday to go to Las Vegas to see my brother. She is going to try and keep me posted on anything new that's going on with him. The only thing I really know right now is he'll probably be in the hospital two weeks longer and they still haven't done surgery on his foot. They are waiting for blood circulation to return before they operate. I don't remember if I posted that in my last blog post :p so if I'm double informing you, forgive me please :p.
Emily still has not lost her tooth yet! I thought for sure it woulda came out by now. It's still loose and she's still wiggling it. Surely it won't be in there for another week. :p
I couldn't understnad the word Small children. LOL! It could be little kids but Small? LOL!
Through your words I can imagine how do your kids act. Loved to read about their little stuff. *Smiles*
God bless you....
Paintball skipper! HAHA LOL.
Luv ya! God Bless! :)
cheating ain't fun in my book either.
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