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Friday, April 21, 2006

Brett had his ear operation done today! It only took like 15 minutes. We brought him to the surgery center and he got to change into one of those cute little gowns. They wouldn't let me go back with him and it was so sad. When the nurse was taking him away he just looked at me with the most horrified look like he was saying... "Mommy you just gonna let her take me away???" It was heartbreaking. When he woke up from the anesthetic I had to go back and get him. The nurse was holding him down cause he was kicking and screaming so much. That's my boy ;) I pity the fools who ever try to kidnap one of my kids. Brett is still little and doesn't understand but I've taught both Emily and Logan to kick, scream, claw, bite and poke eyeballs if someone tries to snatch them. Brett was just wanting his mamma back.

He couldn't have anything to eat or drink before the operation so he was really happy to get his sippy cup when we finally got out of there. We have to put drops in his ears for the next four days and he has his own special fitted earplugs. He is doing great you wouldn't even know he had anything done. Him and Logan are running around bugging Chris. They keep wanting to get in the counter Chris is cleaning. Logan also wanted me to take a picture of his dinosaurs... He's so funny he won't hold still for a normal pick but he always wants to pose with his critters.


Unknown said...

Poor baby :( I remember when they circumcised Brett I took him to the doctors office cause it was cheaper... I won't do that again. They made me hold him right afterwards before putting his clothes on and for 15 minutes I had to hold him with his legs apart while he was screaming. The nurses all left the room. I was crying by the time they came back cause he kept going to the bathroom and I couldn't get him cleaned up cause if I let his hands go he started trying to grab himself. I was so mad when I left there!

That is my hubby in the pic :) Everyone says the kids look like me :p Except Logan he is growing up and starting to really look like his Daddy :)

K.T. is Mommatude said...

I went through that P.E. tube surgery with my daughter Kyla-she still has problems,especially with her speech.Hers have fallen out already though,Kendall was supposed to get them but her ear canals were too small,she never did get them but did end up taking antibiotics for two years,she has no problems now.

Renee said...

Poor little baby, so cute and pitiful at the same time. Glad he did well though. And got to go back to his mommy!

Cara said...

Bless his little bones!! They are precious!! Logan to me, looks just like your hubby... Emily and Brett on the other hand, look just like you!! They are all precious!

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