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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

This is just one of the recent comments I've received lately over the Melinda Bautista murder trial. She is accused of shaking 10 month old Madilyne Wentz to death last year. The trial is still in process.

Anonymous said...
I'm sorry but I consider it sheer stupidity to put personal information on the computer hence the reason I WILL NOT post my name but the facts don't lie. Obviously you have not read the Altus papers from this ENTIRE past week. She never admitted to that. READ THE PAPER- THE RECENT PAPER! There is proof on the tape she NEVER admitted that. There is also a wealth of evidence (hint read the RECENT paper) that proves that poor baby did NOT die from shaken baby syndrome. Stop your witch hunt mentality and get on with your life. Yes people abuse people-did you read about the father of the baby? Also, the mother of the baby can't even get her timeline for the day it happened straight. And the two convicted felons she was living with could keep their stories straight either when questioned on the stand. I am sorry to come across harsh but I will NOT let you perpetuate lies about my friend when YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!

I HAVE been reading the Altus newspaper. I posted links to this paper on March 30th and one of the links was all about the allegations by the defense that Madilyne's death was caused by the EMT's... These are accusations of the defense to try and place the blame away from Melinda Bautista. There is not proof that it was their fault from what I read in that article.
A more recent article I read from the ALTUS papers about Rachel (the mothers) testimony did cause me to pause... But then I stopped for a second to think about it all. The defense is now attacking Rachel and her past trying to make her seem like she was a bad mother. There are questionable things in Rachel's past but none of them mean she is a bad mother, she also is not the one on trial. Why are you so adamant that I not, as you say perpetuate lies about your friend when I am only using information given by the ALTUS newspapers. They used the video tape of her confession in this trial, how can you keep saying she didn't confess when it's on TAPE?
I am not on a Witch hunt. I hate to think that other children are going to be hurt by this as well. Melinda's kids won't have their mother anymore, and her husband won't have his wife, if she is found guilty and sent to jail. That's a very sad thought. I believe she is guilty because of her confession. I've said this over and over. This all started when I posted about this not really even knowing much about the case. When I started being accused of judging unjustly I started reading newspapers and trying to find out more information. With the information I have now I don't feel as if I have an unjust opinion. It is however my opinion. You all have the right to your own and you obviously know and care about Melinda. But what about Madilyne's family? They lost their baby girl. Shouldn't the person responsible have to be held accountable? Do you think we should just ignore the fact that Melinda confessed and let her go free and face any consequences?
Just so I don't get accused of not knowing what I'm talking about again here are links to ALL the Altus articles I've read.


Anonymous said...

Obviously she was coerced into that 'confession'....after hours and hours of unfair scrutiny. She was REFUSED her lawyer. She was scared. She wanted her husband. She was horrified about little Madilyne's death. Those two, very unprofessional cops who questioned her attacked her viciously. They fed her words and fed her words until she was broken.

All she did was bounce the bouncy seat. Then she picked her up. She did not shake her. Madilyne was NOT crying hysterically. She was lethargic when her mother dropped her off!

Melinda immediately started CPR to revive her. Then the EMS workers came and did more damage to the precious baby.

Unknown said...

Ok but that's not what the papers say. That is what you are saying. And I don't even know who you are.

In one article there is statements given by the defense lawyers about the tape and it being unproffessional but these are all allegations by Melinda's Defense...

She went to the police of her own free will and if it were a forced confession as you say I find it hard to believe that the judge would allow it to be seen as evidence.

That is just my speculation from what I've read in the paper. Just as you're speculating in your comment.

Beth said...

Well I don't have much to say about this post, cause I don't know much about any of it. What I can say is that it is just so sad that the little baby had to die.

I wanted to return you comment and update you on the bottle breaking project. It is actually going a little better. He has taken milk out of a sippy cup for the last few day...major improvement. When he got thirsty enough he drank it. And he actually went to bed without his bottle the other night. Things are kinda at a holt right now cause we have company and I don't want to try and take the bottle away at night while they are here. They would have to hear him scream all night long. So when they leave I am going to try again. Hopefully he will get the hang of it. So for now I will just keep trying to get him to drink milk out of the sippy during the day. How is the bottle breaking going with your little guy?

Anonymous said...

Hey,been nephew is a shaken baby-it happened before I met my husband.The baby's father (my husbands ex-brother-in-law)shook him but he is alive not necessarily well,but alive.His father got off with 7 months jail time.

Anonymous said...

TWO WORDS... NOT GUILTY. Please next time you condem a person be sure you know tha FACTS!! 12 people heard the facts The TRUTH in the case and Not Guilty was their verdict. And i will be sure that her lawer is informed of this blog and is included in the slander suite. So next time you JUDGE a person on what you read in the paper A SMALL town paper take it with a grain of salt.

Anonymous said...

Amen! Not guilty!! It only took the jury less than an HOUR to get their decision back to the court. No questions about it. Not guilty.

I don't know who the other poster is, but I don't think this blog would be a case of slander. It just shows how the media can affect someone's judgement.

Kristie...I see that you are a Christian woman, so I know that you wouldn't want to jump the gun and stand in judgement. But I'm telling another Christian woman..and a mother...that the jury made the right decision.

Anonymous said...

At this point, I'm wondering if little Madilyne died from receiving the DTaP vaccination. Deaths associated with DTaP seem to mirror both Shaken Baby Syndrome and SIDS.

Pray for all our little ones.

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