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Monday, April 24, 2006

We had a fun weekend. Saturday we played paintball. We had a group of younger kids come out for a birthday party, most of them were playing for the first time. They all had so much fun it was cute watching them get out there and play. I only got to play a few games after the kids had to leave. Emily, Logan and Brett had fun too as you can see from the pictures we took in the van on the way home. There was not one single clean spot on Logan's entire body!!!

Emily got poison ivy and we had to take her to the doctor Sunday and get her on some medicine right away. She doesn't want to miss any school and there is poison right around her eye. Poor girl she gets it every year at least a couple times a year. We made it a special day for her though. We took the boys to Grandma's house and Emily got to spend the afternoon with me and Chris all by herself. We even took her to eat at Red Lobster and then got ice cream cones (with the pointed cone as she calls them) for the ride home. It was a pretty enjoyable afternoon. We did get caught in a serious thunderstorm though. As we were walking into the doctors office it came pouring down torrential rain, accompanied by lightning and thunder. The power went off in the doctors office which freaked Emily out. It came right back on though so no worries. We got some really good rain yesterday and last night. My flowers are really starting to grow.

Oh and I almost forgot!!! Friday night we got us a pet hamster! Emily has named him Hammy Hamster. The lady at the pet store said we should give him a few days to adjust to his new home before trying to pet him or hold him so today will be the first day the kids get to pet him. We got him a little exercise ball and I'm gonna stick him in there for a while tonight and let the kids watch him run. Chris tries to act disinterested but I know he likes Hammy, he is always watching him run on his exercise wheel and commenting about the latest thing he's doing! He can't fool me :p


K.T. is Mommatude said...

I think some kids are just more apt to get it than others-poison ivy that is,my son gets it several times a year too.We got a hamster right after we got married we called it satan because it was so mean,it ended up chewing a hole through its cage,everytime we tried to touch it ,it would bite us.I would love to be able to play paintball anytime,we never have but I would like to.

Renee said...

Love the 'dirty boy' picture. Looks just like John M. did after softball practice the other day.
Make sure to post some pictures of your flowers!

Seenie said...

Hehe kids are so cute when they are dirty! Boys will be boys, dirt, bugs, and when they are older.... dirt, stuff that drives through dirt! Congrats on your hamster purchase! Happy Hammy Day lol. Too cute. Love the name! PS the paintball pics are terrific! I love the splatty helmet one, and at the end of the day. Sleepy kids in cars mean sleep for mommy and daddy!

Mr. Khurram said...

You gouys 're always into Paintball. I think you should go for some Paintball Olympics. LOL! Good luck for the Pet. Hope you 're doin' good. *Smiles*

God bless you....

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