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Friday, April 28, 2006

So I've been hearing a lot about the upcoming movie "The DaVinci Code" on the Christian talk radio station. All this time I've been thinking to myself "what's the big deal?" Ok so yes the book portrays Jesus as an ordinary man who was not only married to Mary Magdalene but was also a "good teacher." I can see how this goes against Christian belief. It's contrary to everything the Bible teaches. The thing that bugged me so bad is this book is a work of FICTION. Why are Christians so worried about the book and upcoming movie? It's fiction. So I got me a copy of the book and read it.

It was a really interesting book, I was totally hooked. However, it is Fiction and I can see how it would be dangerous to people who are totally ignorant of history and the Bible. This book is written in a way that makes it seem real. Not to mention the disclaimer in the very front saying all Archeological, Artistic and Geographical descriptions are Factual. It's almost like the author is saying this book is "based on a true story." Well you might assume that from reading the disclaimer but it's only the authors descriptions of museums, art and cities that are real. The rest is pure fiction. Anyone prone to believing conspiracy theories would also have a field day with this book. The whole basis is that the Christian church made up the Bible to annihilate the pagan worship of the "sacred feminine." It's a great book but ridiculous to think it might be true.

Now that I've read this book I am going to get a copy of "Breaking The Davinci Code" and find out why Christians are so upset about it. I don't want to blindly take a side just because I am a Christian. Sure I think the book is full of crap but it's FICTION, it's no different than reading Curious George. Well I guess it is a lot different and it has the potential to make others believe Jesus was not God and was just an ordinary man so I better not make up my mind just yet. I'm gonna get this other book and read it first... Any thoughts?


High Power Rocketry said...

: )

K.T. is Mommatude said...

I haven't read it either.Sorry.I am not big on reading fiction,I like non fiction "boring" stuff.LoL.

K.T. is Mommatude said...

By the way thanks for visiting my blog and something funny-I was married to my husband exactly one week after you were married in

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