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Thursday, March 16, 2006

I have a crazy neighbor... Does anyone else have a crazy neighbor??? I mean like officially, certifiabley nuts??? Ok all our neighbors are really annoying but the one across the street is a total wacko. He used to be normal, I know this because we went to school together. He's done way too much crystal meth and it's totally ate up his brain. I can't tell you how many times I've been woken up by him screaming at someone, or being arrested. He'll be out in his yard burning brush and just start going off about something. He lives in his Mom's house but she doesn't live with him. She is a caretaker at a local nursing home so she lives there and just comes every so often to check up on him.

Ok so last night right as Chris and I were heading to bed we heard a loud bang. We were like "what the heck was that?" Our basement doors blew open in the storm we had the other night so Chris went downstairs to see if that's what we'd heard. It wasn't. So we finally just went to bed. So I'm laying in bed and I hear this pounding... It's weird, not like a knock and I can't tell if it's coming from our house or not. Chris gets up and looks around... nothing... so back to bed we go. Then we hear a horn honking... honk honk honk... Chris's work truck has an alarm on it because it is always full of product and sometimes money from machines so we immediately thought it was the alarm on his truck going off. We jumped out of bed and raced to the window.... We have a perfect view of our neighbors garage with the door open and him inside his truck doing something we have yet to discover.

Now the last time our neighbor went to jail I do believe he also lost his drivers license. His Mom and Dad took his truck away from him for a while and just in the last few weeks I've noticed that it has been back at their house. Well apparently they moved it into the garage and he doesn't have keys to it because I'm assuming he has no license to drive.

Chris and I sat at the window and watched our neighbor beating on his steering wheel with a hammer... Then he'd fiddle around under the dash... I thought he was trying to hotwire the car. I was almost right. He was messing with the wires to get the lights to come on and was messing up and causing the horn to start honking. He was beating on the steering wheel to break the lock so it would steer... OKAY!!!

Then I see him start to push his truck down the driveway... He was trying to push start it. In case anyone doesn't know you can push a standard and pop the clutch or something and start it without a key. I think that's right it's been a long time since I've drove a standard. Anyway he gets his truck into the middle of the road and it stops. THEN he comes to our house! It's midnight! He knocks on our door... Chris answered the door and the whole time I'm freaking out. I did not want Chris to answer the door. Anyway when Chris opens the door our neighbor says "uhhh Adam?" Chris was like "ummm no" so then our neighbor says "Ohhhh Chris ya uhh could you come give me a pull start on my ranger out here?" WHAT THE HECK??? It's midnight why in the crap did he come ask us??? We aren't friends with him and we don't talk to him. So Chris makes some excuses and after much begging from our neighbor Chris finally decides to just go do it and get rid of him.

As soon as Chris walks out the door I called the cops. I'm not trying to be a busy body or anything but I just knew he was going to flip out on Chris when he couldn't get his truck started. So I called the police and told the dispatcher what was going on and that I absolutely didn't want our neighbor knowing I had called the police. So they sent a cop out. Chris had pushed our neighbors truck down the hill and it still didn't start. When I looked out the door Chris was talking to the cop and our neighbor was walking back up the hill. So Chris said goodnight to the policeman and came inside. Well when he got up to the cop car he starts screaming at the cop... calling him a terrorist and saying weird stuff like "I'm an American you bleeping terrorist." Anyway he cussed and screamed at the cop for like five minutes and kept yelling "Get out of here! I'll kick your butt blah blah blah." And get this... The cop drives away...

Ok right there I lost all faith in the local Police Department. WHAT THE HECK??? Our neighbor was obviously messed up in the head either drunk or on something and he just drives off??? So then I was like ya I'm not going to bed tonight. All I could think was our neighbor was going to come over again and he is insane. So I watched out the window. He kept coming in and out of his house. Everytime he would walk outside though the police would drive by. It wasn't making much sense to me. I was wanting them to just arrest him so I could go to bed. Well finally he walks out into the street and two cops pulled up and got out to talk to him. They put him in handcuffs because he was belligerent. I couldn't hear all that they were saying except when our neighbor cussed at them and screamed his head off. Well they didn't arrest him! I couldn't sleep all stinking night because I just knew he was going to be mad and know I had called the cops.

Anyway it's daylight now and I have my shotgun close by... or neighbors truck is still down the hill and I just know he's going to come knocking on my door later to ask me to help him get it started. Ya Right! I will totally not answer the door, and I'm now totally freaked out about leaving the house with him right next door. Scary neighbors suck!


Beth said...

Man...what a night...Sounds like a pretty strange guy. We have some wierd people in on our street, but they are usually pretty quite so that is good. Hope you have a better night tonight

Trina said...

I am so sorry. Those kinds of neighbors steal the joy out of every day living. We had a neighbor that lived across the street, and she had quite a few mental problems. We had 3 little boys at the time and she was always trying to run them over. The cops were called several times. She stabbed her husband in the stomach. We prayed that she would move and low and behold her house was on the market in less then 30 days. There is a lot of power in prayer. Thanks for visiting my blog by the way. Come back anytime.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Hi- first time checking out your blog. We had crazy neighbors across the street growing up. Well he was fine by day, but occasionally got a bit too tipsy. In the summer we had our windows open and in the middle of the night were woken up by Mr. Campbell shouting "HELLO NEIGHBORS!" on his front lawn. Then he relieved himself on the bushes, then my dad told us to go back to bed... I do hope your situation resolves and is much safer for your sake!

Seenie said...

My goodness! I have my crazy neighbour across the street Jen Jen the one I blogged about recently, but we mean crazy bout eachother in the kindest possible way! lol
Your neighbour is nuts! I would have moved by now. I have experienced some pretty aggrivating and strange neighbours but nothing like that! I am praying for you guys! And am praying that your neighbour will smarten up!

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