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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

If there were a picture of innocence...
This would be it!
These are pictures of Madilyne Wentz.

Wow! Back in January I posted a bit on my blog about Melinda Bautista.(click on the name for a link to the post) She is the woman "accused" of being responsible for the shaken baby death of little Madilyne Wentz. Ok I am still getting comments on this post. A lot of people are telling me I should "hold my tongue" and "not judge" and they are probably right. I am sorry for making it seem as if Melinda Bautista is already been judged guilty. My original intent of the post was to show my dismay on the fact that it has taken this long for a trial to take place. I mean come on! Not only for the victims sake and their family, but surely the accused and her family would like for things to proceed and be done with.

Anyway take a look at some of the comments and put me in my place. I am more than willing to admit my wrongdoing. I stand firm in my belief that Melinda Bautista was the caretaker for Madilyne Wentz and she was "responsible" for her safety and well being. Even if she did not commit this terrible crime she is still in part responsible for it happening at all. Shaken Baby Syndrome is not an accident. She could be innocent and I am probably partial to the family of the child since they are local and you can't help but feel angry over the wrongful death of a baby.

On another topic... In my profile just the same as in everyone's profile who uses blogger, my astrological sign and zodiac year are listed. I did not personally do this myself. I place no hope or faith in horoscopes or astrology. All my hope and faith is in God and he is the one I look to for answers not my horoscope. Just wanted to make that clear.

All that is said in regards to the email I received today... Posted below

My Bible - The International INDUCTIVE STUDY BIBLE ( New American Standard Bible) tells me as a born again Christian I am not to have anything to do with horoscopes. Deuteronomy 18: 10-14. "There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord: and because of these detestable things the Lord your God will drive them out before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God. For those nations, which you shall dispossess, listen to those who practice witchcraft and to diviners, but as for you, the Lord your God has not allowed you to do so.
I went to your sight for another reason but the first thing I found was your horoscope.
As for the other reason - You are quick to tell Jan that she was not present so she could not know the truth. Seems to me KristieSue that you were not present and do not know the truth and yet you have judged and convicted this woman and you are doing it to a woman who is your sister in Christ. I do not know this woman nor the victim's family so I have passed no judgment but I know that the Lord has laid this woman on my heart from the day it was printed in the Altus Times of her arrest and I have been praying for the woman and her family. Everything I have heard about the arrest is hear say but I have been told the woman is a born again Christian and has witnessed to other prisoners in jail and they accepted Christ into their lives. The only thing I can do is follow what the Lord has laid on my heart and pray and let God take care of my sister in Christ. He is the All Knowing One and knows the truth.
You are very young and if you are truly my sister in Christ I feel I should admonish you to be careful with your tongue.
Altus, OK

This is testimony of a mother who went through something like this. I read this today and cried. Just wanted to share it.


Unknown said...

Thank You... All the comments have been accusing me of judging but none of them were there either. I am willing to admit that Melinda may not actually herself killed Madilyne BUT like I keep saying Madilyne was in her care and if she employed or had someone else caring for her that did this then she is still RESPONSIBLE.

If I placed my children in the care of a state certified day care provider I would hold them accountable for anything that happended to my children. Day care is supposed to be a safe place. Not all mothers have the option to be with their children at all times. Madilyne's mother didn't have this option and she entrusted the life of her precious child to Melinda Bautista! She is responsible.

Unknown said...

Oh My GOSH! Ok for the first time I am actually reading newspaper articles from Melinda Bautista's town instead of our local papers. If you click on Madilyne's name you will be directed to her memorial website where you can choose to read newspaper articles.

In this article I am reading Melinda ADMITTED to shaking the bouncy seat that Madilyne was in. She admits this of her own free will and everyone is accusing me of judging her unfairly? I am even more appalled.

Unknown said...

A quote from this article

"Melinda Bautista shook the bouncy chair, that bouncy seat caused injury to the child, Eisenburg said, there is no evidence that Mrs. Bautista caused death by shaking. She shook the bouncy seat and that's what you do with the bouncy seat."

Ok Ya'll I know this is a serious matter and I'm not trying in any way to make light of it or cause pain to anyone but I am a mother of three... I have used many a bouncy seat... I've bounced an upset baby and these seats are wonders but as I understand it to cause such trauma that a ten month old child dies??? I am thinking you would have to be violently shaking a bouncy seat. Shaken baby syndrome is not caused by gentle, relaxing shaking... It's caused by violent, angered shaking.

Anonymous said...


I am glad you were able to stop by my blog and read about Shaken Baby Syndrome. This is a serious problem in our country, and sadly happens more often than people realize or care to admit.

Having dealt with this first hand by my Ex-Husband doing what he did to my daughter...I stand passionate about this issue.

My daughter was one of the lucky ones. Thousands sadly are not as lucky. They do not survive, or are damaged physically and mentally for the rest of their lives.

It took me almost 5 years to take this experience from my life and do something positive with it. I now speak to schools, churches, parenting groups, advocacy centers etc...on the dangers of Shaken Baby Syndrome.

Though there are a few children who suffer from this due to "rough" play (I have even seen a case here in Dallas from a child who was tossed playfully in the air, and suffered hemorrhaging in the brain) most of these cases are due to abuse.

It takes very little to do damage to an infant this way. The best way to describe what happens to a child’s brain when they are shaken is to do this experiment.

Take a tomato, stick toothpicks all around it. Stick the tomato in a jar of water and shake it. The juice that comes out is the same thing that happens to an infant’s brain. I use this to show people in the classes I teach.

It's kind of powerful when you see first hand what happens to a childs brain. Their brains are not yet attached to their skulls, so when they are shaken the brain literally bounces around.

This is a real and dangerous issue in our society, and I commend you for standing up for this cause. A lot of people do not like to talk about child abuse. It's as if they think it's a dirty word. However, I know until we educate people and find a way to end this cycle of abuse thousands of other innocent children will lose their lives.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. God bless you and take care of yourself.


D.R. Cootey said...

Kristie Sue - I was just reading that letter you received. What constantly amazes me is how judgmental and unkind Christians can be. It's like they listen to Christ's message only for reasons to set themselves above their brothers and sisters. They completely miss out on his message of love and tolerance for other's flaws. They conveniently forget about that old beam in the eye thing. Christianity becomes a club they use to beat people with.

Next time one of those pinheads (I know, dangerously close to "thou fool" and hellfire...but I call it like I see it) starts tossing scripture at you as evidence of your imperfection, pull out the ones about judging not before they be judged, and remind them about the beam in their own eye.

My favorite story of our Savior is the one which deals with the adulteress cast at His feet by an angry crowd. So many people just end their enjoyment of that tale with the "He who is without sin cast the first stone" bit, but the beautiful part is how Christ deals with a woman caught in the act, most likely not dressed for a stroll in broad daylight, who is left behind by a "righteous" crowd of accusers. He doesn't make her feel like dirt. He doesn't brow beat her. He gently sends her on her way with the admonition to sin no more.

I haven't read that blog you referred to, so I don't know exactly what has been said, but I can say now that whether you erred or not in your passion the Christians who chastised you should practice what they preach and remember forgiveness. After all, this very forgiveness is what the Lord extends to them. They should try being more like Him.

Unknown said...

Thanks for that comment Douglas. I really like how you are honest without an agenda :p I think all Christians fail at one time or another to truly be what they're called to be. I know I do. I feel really strongly about this topic and I'm sure I'm probably being judgemental and I'll work on it... it's my issue. I just hate to see kids being hurt.

Anonymous said...

Kristie Sue

One problem with you tomato experiment....Babies do not have anything resembling toothpicks sticking in their heads!!!! Come on give me a break. My hear goes out to you if you or your child has been a victim of abuse but you are sorely misinformed! Also, if you read the paper, Melinda Bautista NEVER admitted to shaking that poor baby. She was sick to begin with, then aspirated her formula, then suffered lack of oxygen to her brain due to lungs being congested, then the EMS workers did a poor job of treating her. READ THE PAPERS AND STOP PERPETUATING LIES!

Unknown said...

LOL Anonymous I love how people like to speak their mind but are too afraid to put a name to go along with it.

First of all the tomato expirement wasn't mine... That is the comment of another person. And second I HAVE read the papers. The Altus Oklahoma paper is where I read that Melinda confessed ON TAPE to shaking the baby while in her bouncy seat. Thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I consider it sheer stupidity to put personal information on the computer hence the reason I WILL NOT post my name but the facts don't lie. Obviously you have not read the Altus papers from this ENTIRE past week. She never admitted to that. READ THE PAPER- THE RECENT PAPER! There is proof on the tape she NEVER admitted that. There is also a wealth of evidence (hint read the RECENT paper) that proves that poor baby did NOT die from shaken baby syndrome. Stop your witch hunt mentality and get on with your life. Yes people abuse people-did you read about the father of the baby? Also, the mother of the baby can't even get her timeline for the day it happened straight. And the two convicted felons she was living with could keep their stories straight either when questioned on the stand. I am sorry to come across harsh but I will NOT let you perpetuate lies about my friend when YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

EMS did not do a poor job of treating her. Protcals were followed along with PALS and ACLS. She was treated the best that she could have been. When she was layed on the ER bed she had a pulse. So if she was not treated right why did she have a pulse when she was taken to the ER. The Altus Times did not print what was correctly said at the trail, so you should not believe everything you read.

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