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Saturday, March 25, 2006

I was just sitting here looking at some of the pictures I have on my computer and I thought it'd be fun to just post a few.

This is a picture of my and my older brother JR when we were just little munchkins...

This is Chris and his sister when they were little munchkins ;)

These next few are some of the really cute ones I just love of my oldest daughter Emily when she was just a toddler. She is almost 6 now... I can't believe how fast the years have gone by...

Emily in the tub :p

Emily in a box :p

Funniest picture of Emily EVER! LOL

Emily 3 years old.

Emily 4 years old

Emily's Kindergarten school picture 2005-2006 School year.

Now let me dig up some Logan pictures... Probably not many of him as a little baby on this computer but lets see...

This is Logan at about one year.

I took these two photo's the morning of Logan's second birthday :D

This pic is too funny... Logan is laying on his belly watching TV... Chris does this same thing LOL

Poor Logan I have the least number of pictures of him... Probably cause the little stinker will never hold still long enough for me to snap a shot. Next are some of Brett.

There's nothing quite like a new baby :) Brett just a couple days old.

Brett started losing all his hair hehe he looks so bald here.

From bald to chubby :p

This is the most recent picture of Brett I have on this computer.

Now I have some other miscellaneous pics to add just because :p

Ya I don't look happy but I was ready to pop and it was cold outside :p

I don't get to take many pictures of Chris but here we are when it was just the four of us... I think this was taken April 2003

And this is the last one just cause I'm so ready for SUMMER! This is me and Emily on our vacation to Florida. I think this was taken 9-11-01 which was mine and Chris's two year anniversary.


Beth said...

What great pictures....They are all so good. Your kids are sooo sweet!!!

Unknown said...

Great pics thanks for sharing them!!!

*** said...

Those pictures of the two when they were babies are just too cute! You are a lucky woman!

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