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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's amazing how a few days off can really help relieve stress. I've been stressed to the point of tearing my own eyes out the last few weeks and I took off Saturday and Sunday. It was great. I didn't do a thing, well except housework but that was more therapy. It feels good to have a clean house :) It was great to be home with the family all day Sunday and not have to run the entire day. Of course we went to church which was great too. Sunday night at church I didn't have to worry about whether or not the people behind me could see the paint in my hair cause I didn't have time to shower after paintball that afternoon. And I wasn't dead tired when I got home so I feel very rested.

I may not be taking my trip to Nevada to see my brother as I had planned. We have a lot of stuff coming up in the next few weeks and I'm afraid if I take off for five days it's going to really put me in a bind. I also have been dreading the long drive with five kids... three of mine and two of my sisters. I feel guilty because I would really like to go hang out with my brother and lift his spirits after his accident but I'm just not having the best feeling about going. Usually before taking a road trip I'm excited so this constant dread feeling isn't very comforting. I am not looking forward to telling my sister though because she'll be pretty disappointed. Maybe this summer we can go and it will be better timing. I just know right now is not a good time.

My brother seems to be doing better. There is still no word on whether the authorities will press charges and he may have to move because his landlord is totally freaked out. I really don't blame the landlord. I would be having a cow too if my renters were playing with explosives. I haven't talked to JR in about a week now so I don't know if there are any recent developments but I assumed he'd call me if there were. I better not assume though :p I'll have to call him when I get home tonight.

We are having a big
paintball game in April. I'm hoping it will really help boost our attendance on Saturdays throughout the spring and summer. We're going to give away lots of prizes and it should be a fun for all day since its not really a tournament. We are having trouble lining out people to help us with the event. All of our friends seem to be uninterested and there's just not enough of me and Chris to go around. It's funny how you lose friends when you stop giving them stuff. I guess we're better off to lose those friends though.

Oh by the way just to be weird today everyone meet my friend Chris. This is not my husband Chris this is my friend Chris. He's a single white male, and he's not one of the bad gimme friends. Meet Chris. Nice boat :p


Anonymous said...

Hey now, the boat was free...

Unknown said...

See and he's smart too :o) Only a dummy would pay money for a boat like that :p

Cara said...

lol, glad he saved his money!! So apparently he's good at money management too!!;)

Maybe it's better that you stay home for a while and let your brother recover a little more before going for a visit!!

It's best to trust your gut instinct!!:)

Anonymous said...

Well he was a marine, so that boat should feel like home!


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