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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The coolest thing happened to me this morning. You might not think it's so "cool" but I did, and it's my blog so :p I went through McDonalds to get some breakfast this morning. I always pay with my debit card and I hardly ever carry cash. Well they were having some trouble with their credit card machine so my card wouldn't work. I told the woman it would be okay I could just come back with cash. Well she handed me my food and said it would be ok she didn't want me to be late for work. I thought that was pretty nice. I think she was just going to give it to me since they would throw it away anyway, but I came back and paid for it. The ladies behind the counter all acted shocked that I actually came back with the money. I said I would and it wouldn't be right if I didn't. Anyway I thought that was pretty cool that they were nice enough to let me take my food with me instead of sending me on my way empty handed.

Emily was so excited. Yesterday her name was read over the loud speaker as a reward for all the reading we've been doing. Her school is doing the "Book It" program right now and Emily has read 120 books. She has the most stickers in her class and some of the other Kindergarten classes have students that have more than her so she is really wanting to catch up. Since she can't read yet we have to read the books together. I enjoy it and Logan gets to listen too. His favorite book is "Bug House."

Logan and Brett both have colds right now. I hate it because when they get a cold I have to give them breathing treatments. Their asthma really gets bad when they have any type of respiratory infection. Brett wouldn't hardly sleep at all last night. Not only did he have a cold but he is still cutting teeth. He has two molars that just won't come through the gums.

Chris started work at his new job today. He had to drive back to Arkansas for some training and orientation. His job just keeps getting better and better. He found out today that the company pays for his insurance and it's group rates for the rest of us. Also they have a safety incentive where if there are no accidents within 90 days all the employee's get a $300 bonus! That is so cool. He gets paid every two weeks and it's a direct deposit which makes it even easier. The lady who first interviewed him is coming to pick him up tomorrow from our store and then he gets to go get his company truck. He really is excited about this job and seems to be enjoying himself. I am so glad he didn't get the city job he applied for. This is definitely a much much better job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

setting a good example not just fer yer kids, but others as well

..hats off to ya.

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