It started out with us moving to an old abandoned nursing home. It was the kind you see in all the scary movies. There was a small living section in the front and then a door leading to the rest of the building. In my dream Chris had to get up and go to work early in the morning. We were all staying in the same room since it was our first night staying in our new home, if you can call it a home.
Now I hate taking showers when Chris leaves before I get out of bed. I always feel like someone is going to sneak up on me. So in my dream of course, I had to take a shower that morning. To take a shower I had to walk to like the middle of this huge building to a public type bathroom. I was so freaked out by this place and I had a horrible feeling of dread that I gathered up the kids to leave.
As with any dream there is always something to keep you from leaving. My "something" was the fact that I couldn't get to Brett's baby formula. It was in the kitchen area which we were escaping out of but I just couldn't seem to get my hands on the stupid can. Eventually I got it and we made a mad dash for the car.
In real life we drive a big Ford Econoline Van and it needs a brake job. In my dream we were driving an old hearse station wagon... We had to climb in through the windows, and they didn't roll up. I started up our ride and was heading to the "candy shop" where Chris worked.
We were pulling out of the drive when we notice some scary teenage kids on skates and skateboards chasing after us. Apparently they do not want us to leave this nursing home. So I'm panicked because of course the car only goes so fast and the brakes are not working right. They grind really bad and don't stop the car all the way.
So we're running from these scary demon teens and one of them is flinging a string with a hook on the end of it at us. The hook catches me and lodges in between my two front bottom teeth... I am driving, trying to keep my kids calm and yanking at this hook all while trying to get to the candy shop and avoid traffic since my brakes do not work at all by this time. When I finally pull this hook loose, I also pull loose two of my teeth. I don't know why but that is one of the most common things in my dreams. I am always losing teeth.
We finally arrive at the candy shop. There are people there from this town we live in that apparently do not want us to leave the nursing home we've moved into, so they don't want to let me in. I dodge them and finally make it to the counter where instead of Chris my mom and dad are working there. I tell my mom "I'll take a red pop, a round chocolate and a peppermint." I say nothing about the scary teens chasing after me, or my missing teeth. I woke up after that and couldn't go back to sleep.
Ever since I had my first child I have not been into watching scary movies. I am afraid of the dark and scary movies only make it worse and give me nightmares. I know there are bits of that story that resemble things going on in my life. Chris just started a new job and he leaves before I take a shower, we need brakes on our van and I am constantly running out of baby formula for Brett :p I think that I officially have the weirdest dreams EVER. What are dreams all about anyway? There couldn't possibly be something to all the weirdness I dream about? I'm going to start writing these things down to see if there's some kind of pattern. The only similar thing I see so far is the teeth part. What's up with always losing my teeth. LOL
tip 4 ya..check if yer toothpaste is flouridated. then throw it out.
look for herbal, non-flouridated stuff..no flouride, no sorbitol.
mineral water (non flouridated/chlorinated) strengthens teeth too.
do you have a history of esp in the family? having fears is normal.
taking up martial arts *hardcore, not the pansy stuff* can help ya regain confidence..and protect yerself even should it ever come to that.
expose yourself more to natural light; sunlight & filament bulbs.
flourescents can sometimes affect mood in negative fashion.
really nice pic btw..sweet dreams.
hehe thanks that was my Monday Bored at Work Pic :p
I have often had dreams where I lose teeth...glad to know that I'm not the only one!
...sometimes I also have weird dreams where my husband is flirting with girls I don't know, and one he was trying to kill me...weirds me out...and then, of course, I glare at my husband and tell him what his dream counterpart did to me...
...I'd love to understand more about dreams too.
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