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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Poor little Brett bumped his head on the coffee table last night. He was doing so good walking around and then he took a sharp turn and fell. He was so upset poor little booger. He has a big mark on his head today. I can't believe how fast he is growing. I also can't believe how attached he is to Chris. He actually cried the other day when Chris handed him to me! I was heartbroken :(. He is always crawling around saying "Da da da da Dad." He wakes up in the morning saying "Dadda da da da Dad." Once in a blue moon he'll say Ma when he wants something, but it's usually to get him out of his bed so he can go play with DA! It's cute and Chris really soaks it up.

My hair is so red! It faded right after the first time I colored it so I did it again. I like it a lot! Emily was sad and said she wanted her hair to be red too! Chris and I told her we really liked her hair and she was too young to color her hair. We have a rule that she can't wear make up and stuff until she is 16, so we told her when she was 16 she could color her hair if she wanted to. She was happy after that.

Emily's eyes looked really good this morning. There was no drainage at all and the redness is almost gone. We went ahead and put eye drops in just in case, before she went to school. She is such a good girl. She loves to play Gauntlet on the X-Box. We let play about thirty minutes a day but she has to be good or she will lose time. She's always trying to do good things to earn more time to play. It's so cute.

Chris had to take Logan home from church last night because he had an accident. It was a messy accident. :x So I was alone in our Bible study class trying to teach. We were studying a little bit about repentance. One of the things we discussed was what are some behavior characteristics of true repentance. I think I said that right. The kids just listed off some things they think that change about a person when they are saved. They mentioned things like the music we listen to, the way we dress, the way we talk and the way we treat people. It was a really good class the kids actually opened up and talked about the subject, instead of talking about paintball or what was on TV this week.

A lady called today to ask to speak to someone about references for Chris. It was funny. I told her I was the only other person who worked here and I was his wife. She asked if she could go ahead and ask me some questions anyway. LOL I thought that would be pretty biased but went ahead and answered her questions. I felt so awkward because I didn't want to lie and I didn't want to answer all the questions perfect for Chris where she might think I was lying. She only asked me like four questions and I was so nervous. Now I'm sick to my stomach thinking I might have said something to make him not get the job LOL. I'm sure they won't base their decisions solely on what I said but I am praying so hard he gets this job. He is so excited and was telling me last night how if he gets this job he is going to work extra hard and try the best he can to do a good job. He really wants to impress them and work hard. I hope they call tomorrow. I don't know how much longer I can take the suspense!


Priscilla said...

Brett is just too cute! And it is such a typical thing for a kid that age to have a bruise on his/her head. He looks like a trooper though! I have one who also has a bruise on her forhead. Alicia bumbed heads with her friends Kaylee while playing at her house on Saturday. It was quite an egg that was purple...but now has turned green.Glad to hear Emily is eyes are a bit better. Hope Chris gets that job. It is all in the Lord's hands! Aren't you glad you have a savior? I'd love to hear your bits and peaces if you like. Testimonies are powerful! Thanks for commenting on my blog. It's always fun!

Unknown said...

I love Blogs! :D

Anonymous said...

How sweet these pics are! Ouch on the bump though, lol. He looks like a sturdy little trooper who moves on quickly past the pain. :-)

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