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Monday, January 09, 2006

I have been so sick today! Some stomach flu or something. This year has been the worst for me. Usually I never get sick. Once in a while I'll get a cold or something but I've been sick like ten times since September. I stayed home with Logan and Brett, Chris opened the store.

The lady came to our store to interview Chris for the job he's applying for. Chris said it went really well. The woman was nice and easy to talk to. She told him that she wanted him for the job, especially since he lives in town. I don't know if I mentioned what the job was. It is a vending machine route. It pays good and has dental, eye and medical insurance. They also provide a company truck for him to drive and a gas card. That is totally awesome. He hasn't "for sure" got the job yet. The woman said she would call him at the end of the week to let him know. I'm really excited and so is Chris. He seems so happy and I love it.

It is supposed to snow tonight. The news said five to eight inches possible for our area. Chris has plans to use his dad's backhoe to push snow tomorrow if we get enough. He usually makes pretty good money doing that. Emily won't have school if we get any snow at all. She made me play Gauntlet with her earlier. That game is so frustrating. You have to stay right next to the other player or you get stuck all the time. We read some bedtime stories after that and she's asleep already. Logan keeps trying to sneak into my room. I don't mind him sleeping with us but he sure does kick hard, so I'm trying to get him to sleep in his own bed.

I was reading my Bible earlier and Emily wanted to hear the story of Moses. I don't know why but that is the story she always asks to hear. She especially likes the story about his birth and being put into the river. It really got me to thinking. God really used Moses to do some really great things. Moses also went through many trials. Wandering in the wilderness for forty years had to really stink. I can totally relate to how the Israelites must have felt during this time. I've been feeling that way for the last two years. I just feel like I'm going around in circles and not accomplishing anything or moving forward with my life. I can't imagine how they must have felt wandering for forty long years with no real direction.

God didn't just do that to be mean though. I know it was a punishment but punishment is like a lesson right? God was molding them to become suitable for what he had in store for them next. He had to let some of the older more stubborn folks die off. That sounds harsh but wasn't that the point? They disobeyed God and he took away their chance to see the promised land. They died in the wilderness and their children inherited the promised land.

Maybe that in a sense is what God is doing to me. I was reading in one of my old journals. It was from April 1999 to April 2000. I can't believe how different I was! I am so glad I keep journals. There is so much you can learn about yourself by going back and reading old entries. I think God is definitely killing off my bad habits and molding me into a better Christian. I know this is going to be a life long process but I also have a feeling he is going to let me into the promised land. I don't think I have much more wandering left to do. I'm not talking about Heaven. I hope I have a long life left to live. I want to raise my children and grow old with my husband, but I just have a feeling something good is just around the bend. I could be totally wrong but that's been known to happen with me :p A LOT LOL.

I'm praying for strength and courage to face whatever is around the bend. Seeing Chris so excited about our future and having him in such a great mood has really inspired me to just open up and not be afraid to hope for something. A lot of times I'm so afraid of disappointment I don't let myself hope for anything. These are the times I so easily fall into despair. Even if it's not this job for Chris, something is coming I just know it. :o)


John Gillmartin said...

Appreciated your visit to The CRIB so I thought I'd return the treat.

Sorry you've been under the weather for so long.

Let me pray for you -

O LORD our God, illness is one of those things that came in by way of our sins. Little did Adam and Eve know what they would cause when thy chose to disobey you.

Yet You have left the throne room door open for Your children to enter in with their petitions and supplications, and to enter in boldly.

Sweet Lord, I come in the name of Jesus pleading the precious blood of Jesus for this young mother, her children and her husband need her, and if You are willing Lord, heal her up now. Strengthen her body and her spirit; restore her health for her family and for her own sake ... she is a faithful child of God, reward her for her faithfulness.

Amen, and amen!

Unknown said...

Thanks guys :o)

Priscilla said...

Hi Kristie Sue! Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. I loved your blog today and I can totally relate. Sometimes life does feel like you are in the desert...just wandering and accomplishing nothing...but don't you listen to that lie! You have a very important job to do. Playing Gauntlet, reading Bible stories and snuggling with your kids is just the tip of the iceberg of what you do everyday! (not to mention being an encouraging and supportive wife to Chris) I hope you feel better soon. No snow up here in upstate NY...which is very unusual for January.

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