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Saturday, January 07, 2006

To Early For Conflict!

Chris told me Thursday night he would work on the house some before going to the paintball field today. This meant that I needed to open the store. So I got out of bed this morning and started getting ready. At almost 9:00 this morning Chris jumped out of bed saying he needed to hurry and open the store. I told him I was going to open and he had totally forgotten about his promise. Understandable, everyone forgets. So he stayed home to do some stuff.

At like 10:00 this morning he comes in the store and starts telling me how he needs to go buy some lumber. I wasn't trying to contradict myself about wanting to get some work done on the house but I said we should wait on buying anything. Right now we don't have any income. Chris and I are both applying for jobs and until one of us gets one we need to be really careful with our money. I wasn't trying to say we shouldn't do any work. We have stuff we can use right now. Why can't we do that stuff? I thought it would make Chris happy because he wouldn't have to do anything today. I want to get stuff done but I don't want to be irresponsible and go spend money we don't have.

Chris immediately got angry with me. Some of his paintball friends walked in as we were starting to argue and there is nothing I hate more than having someone see us argue. So I tried to just stop talking and Chris told me "You have no idea how mad I am right now," and he walked out.

We don't see eye to eye on something. I'm not trying to be difficult, but I want to finish our house. I wish we could communicate better. When I say something it's like he totally hears me wrong. Then I have to try and explain myself. He thinks I always have to be right. I don't know if this is true or not. I feel I am right about this and Chris won't talk to me about his feelings most of the time so how can I know if I'm wrong? I feel so badly for Chris having to put up with my brain. Half the time I am fighting a war in my mind and when it spills out of my mouth he has to put up with it too. It's not really fair to him but I don't know what else to do. I'm sure things will change as the day goes on. Chris always gets so angry with me but he always softens up and we make up. But then I still have all these thoughts and don't know how to deal with them.

Was I wrong? Should I have just said to go get the lumber and supplies? Which is more important, being financially responsible or getting what I want? I guess I shouldn't freak out until we can finish talking.

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