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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I had another freakish dream last night... I got to work as soon as I could so I could get it all wrote down before forgetting it. It's strange how you forget dreams so fast. I never remember the good ones, I just wake up with a happy feeling all day. The bad ones stick with me longer for some reason.

It started out with me waking up late. It was 8:20 AM. I was so upset because I hadn't gotten up to get Emily to school. So I started running through the house like mad getting Emily to wake up and get dressed. While I was getting Logan and Brett ready I was trying to call Chris on my cell phone. I was trying to get him to come and bring Emily to school, but he couldn't because of work.

So I finally get everyone ready and we are getting in the car. We don't have a garage in real life but in my dream we were in the garage. The garage door was open and as I was getting into my seat we were approached by two younger men. They were bullying us, I don't really remember what about but I know it had something to do with them picking on my kids. They tried to shut us in the garage so I couldn't take Emily to school. So I lost my temper and ran the car through the garage door and then started trying to run them over. They got away and I proceeded to take Emily to school.

This is when I realize that I don't live in Missouri but I am back in Las Vegas. For some reason I can't recall I have to take a different way to get Emily to school. I am not familiar with the roads in Las Vegas because I haven't lived there in over ten years. This is all stuff from my dream but some of it is true in real life. I did live in Las Vegas and I could find my way around but I am not familiar with the roads at all. So I decide that my best bet is to get on the Freeway. In Missouri they call them Highway's but there it's a Freeway :p So we start heading that way.

When I exit onto the freeway we are stopped by what appears to be military police. The commander orders us to get out of our car and sits us on the sidewalk under an overpass. All this time I am trying to explain to him how Emily is late for school and I really want to get her there because she has perfect attendance and if we're too late they will count her absent. I was being extra polite because the guy was pretty intimidating. He tells us that we cannot go because we've been "exposed." I realize that they are doing secret tests on humans and they have a bunch of people locked up in cages. I try to act oblivious to this so that maybe he will let me go since I don't expect foul play.

In real life I am extremely careful with my children in public places. I never turn my back on them for a second and I have a hold of them at all times. I've been called paranoid but I've heard too many stories about kids just "vanishing." I am so weird about this that Chris hates going anywhere with me. I'm always telling him "don't let go of Logan's hand," and "don't turn around and leave Brett in the cart." One time he lost track of Emily in Wal-Mart and I about killed him. We found her twenty minutes later but it was the longest twenty minutes of my life. I've never been so scared. Anyway I'm getting off topic but I just wanted to point that out to help show how weird this dream is.

So I'm sitting there on the sidewalk with my kids and this Army guy in charge wants to "check" them. He starts pointing out a rash on Brett and saying things like "he's got it he won't last long." I'm still acting like I don't know what they're doing with they're human experiments and I tell him that Brett has sensitive skin and he's had that rash it's from laundry detergent. That is true and he was trying to take Brett from me and throw him in this ditch of putrid water. So he let me keep Brett. Now all this is taking place under an overpass and just past the overpass is some sort of base. They have it fenced off and guarded and inside it is where they have cages stacked up on each other. They are suspended over the yucky looking ditches.

All of a sudden I can no longer find Brett. I start to panic and look around for him and the Army guy points to the ditch and says "I told you so." There I see Brett floating in the water and he is obviously no longer living. I'm heartbroken and I grab Emily and Logan and we're all crying. The Army guy takes us to some cages and sticks us in one together. It has openings that we can escape from if we want but I'm trying to be good and act like everything is ok and I don't know what's going on. I overhear two guards discussing how they need to eliminate some of the others so that we can be put in a cage without holes.

I am sitting in my cage trying to comfort my kids and I feel my cell phone start to buzz. I realize the battery is going down every second and I want to save my phone for a time when someone isn't looking so I can try to call for help. So I turned it off and some sort of alarm goes off in the camp. The guards come to my cage and start scanning me with these devices that detect cell phones and tracking devices. They eventually decide to take my keys because they think there is some kind of tracking device in them... Ya I know strange. But I still have my cell phone.

We are still in our cage and singing trying to pretend like nothing is wrong when a guard comes up to us and throws something in the cage. I am shocked to see that it's Brett and he's ok! Logan is very upset and really wants to get out of the cage and nothing I can do will calm him down. I am scared that the guards are going to take him away from me. The guy in charge comes over to our cage and lets us out. He takes us out of the camp and to a spot by a river. There are some people camping down there and I try to get their attention without the Army guy noticing. When they finally notice us and come to help us I get out my cell phone and call Chris to ask him to come help us. The Army guy looks at me like I've betrayed him and he's brokenhearted that I lied about having a cell phone. That's when I woke up. Last thing in my dream was the disappointed face of the Army guy because I told a lie.

Strange strange dream but it was nice to wake up and have Brett crawl in bed next to me. He wanted to snuggle up under the covers which he only does when he's sleepy. It did make me feel so much better after such a weird dream.


Unknown said...

OH dear! What a dream, especially when your childrens safety seems at risk.
I'm just like you with my daughter, I hear of children just vanishing and I don't want to let her out of my sight.
Especially when I watch the news, there are so many abductions because these cowardly people pick on those who can't fight back.
*prayers for sweet dreams* x

Mr. Khurram said...

God really has Gifted you beautiful kids. I believe this dream is tryin' to remind you somethin' from Past.

Just Pray 'n' Yes! Lord is always there for us. Hope you 're doin' good.

God bless you....

Anonymous said...

It sounds too me like you have been watching too many Left Behind movies and ate something like too much pizza or ice cream before you went to bed.

Anonymous said...

lol @ anonymous

Kristi ~ there seem to be some *unresolved* issues in yer subconscious, the way i see it.

i recall dreaming bout failing my finals in highschool, much after i finished the examinations.

the Army guy is a different issue. is there anyone you feel you have let down in your life?

nobody is that perfect, there must have been someone. or, its something else to do with the not sure.

just my take ;)

Unknown said...

LOL Ok so I've only seen one Left Behind movie and I don't see any similarities to that in my dream AT ALL lol and actually I did have pizza the night before :p

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