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Sunday, January 22, 2006


Isn't Love a funny thing? Something that has the potential to cause two opposite feelings, either intense pleasure or extreme pain. There's also so many different kinds of love. The love you have for your children is so different from the love you have for your spouse. So what is love really? I know it's a feeling we have for someone or something but isn't it also more than a feeling?

The greatest example of Love I've ever encountered is Christ's love for mankind. He sacrificed so much just to save us all from death. And it's unconditional. He didn't do that for us in exchange for a little favor in return. It was his gift to his beloved. I never had that kind of love in me until I had children. I would gladly die to save the life of one of my babies.

I have a question though. If you truly love someone doesn't it show in your actions? Can you honestly love someone yet ignore their desires and plea's for affection? If I ignored my husband and didn't try to support him and only focused on my own desires would that mean I don't love him?

I read this on msn Today. For those who don't feel like reading, it was basically an overview of a relationship where the wife feels neglected because the husband is focused on himself. Through counseling the husband and wife both come to realize they each needed to make compromises. They worked it out, but if they hadn't would that mean they loved each other any less?

This is a weird post and doesn't make a lot of sense but I didn't get enough sleep last night and I'm in a weird mood today ;) I love you Chris!


Anonymous said...

love & hate walk hand in hand..

scary stuff lol

Anonymous said...

in expansion, i'd say love and hate can coexist within the same person, at the very same time.

tis difficult to do an analysis of either without examining the other light/dark twin

..what do you think?

Unknown said...

I'm not sure what you mean by the light/dark twin thing... But I totally agree with the love hate coexist thing. There is only one person that I can think of that I despise on a regular basis (I know it's not Christian and I'll get over it eventually)

Anonymous said...

ah, but what if you didn't..and tried to convince yourself you did? a difficult question, i know.

tis hard to examine, to understand the nature of a thing without also looking at its opposite.

love and hate are interconnected in a way that many deign to see..

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