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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sundays are usually the craziest day for our family. We all have to get up early and get ready for church and usually Chris and I end up in a fight. Today was different. I got up early and got dressed before anyone else woke up. Then when Chris got in the shower I went and got him some breakfast. That was something we fought about last Sunday because we didn't have time for breakfast and Chris was hungry. The kids were easy to get ready and we made it to church on time!

Sunday school was a total bore though. That really stinks because usually that is my favorite part of church. I love to learn new things and hear the opinions of the other people in our class. I just wasn't very in touch with what was being discussed. I suppose you have to relate to something to have any interest in it. The topic was about whether all Christians are disciples or just some. We also discussed spiritual gifts. That part was interesting. Although I'm not really sure what my spiritual gift is. The conversation sparked my interest though and I'm going to find out. I know I love to sing and the words to a song can mean so much to someone but I'm not sure if this is a "spiritual" gift.

During services the kids were really good. Chris and I were both able to actually hear Brother Brad's message. He preached on Matthew 14:22-31. The part that really spoke to me was verse 31, when Peter was sinking in the waves Jesus reached down, caught him and said "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" Peter had trusted Jesus when he told him to come to him on the water. It wasn't until Peter began to look around him and see the crashing waves that he became afraid and began to sink. Isn't that so like me? I have faith, I trust in God and I know he will give us what we need. Then I start to get caught up in the world and I start to sink. The great thing is all it takes is for me to reach up and grab the hand of Jesus to pull me out of the mess I've put myself in.

Chris is applying for another job which he has an interview for tomorrow at 11:oo am. This is an interesting job, and Chris really seems to think he will like it. I am scared to get my hopes up since he didn't get the last job we thought would be so perfect. In a way I am almost sure he didn't get that job because this is a better one. I'm really praying things go well and if they don't go as we plan I pray God will give me the strength to deal with the disappointment.

Paintball was next after church. I really wish we didn't have open play two days in a row. I know it's a business and we have to do it but I think we've actually split our player base. Instead of getting everyone out on one day of the week they are split between two days. It is also such a chore to do it two days in a row. We don't have a day off to just relax as a family. I know Emily feels the strain. She really didn't want to go Saturday but she had to. Hopefully we'll be able to decide which day is best and drop the other. I'm hoping for no more paintball on Sundays.

I got shot so much today. I hurt my back a week or so ago doing something, I have no idea what. I know it's not excuse, I just stunk! I totally had Kelsey this one game, and when I shot at her MY LOADER WASN'T ON. Therefore no paint exited my barrel. I was laughing my butt off. I can't believe I didn't turn my loader on. I did shoot a few people and I was on Chris's team each time so he wasn't able to get me ;) Paintball is so much fun and I really love it, but I've been losing interest. I think I need a new paintball gun ;) I'll have to sell the one I have first.

I noticed I haven't been posting any pictures lately. Anyone who knows me knows I love taking pictures and sharing them. So even if these have nothing to do with the topic or topics here's some pictures ;)


Priscilla said...

Hmmm. I never considered Sunday school to be a "mormon" thing. Sunday School isn't just for kids! It sounds like you had a great sermon. Shouldn't we all be reminded about having faith when the waves of life lap around our ankles and threaten to swallow us?

Unknown said...

Well I was born in Utah and raised in Mormonism but I am a born again Christian. I go to a Freewill Baptist church but I'm not really big on denominations. I suppose my background in Mormonism could be why I refer to our class as Sunday School. It is a group of young adults and we usually study the Bible with the help of one of our church deacons who leads the group.

Anonymous said...

Without faith, we are nothing. That is why people do all kinds of things for religion.

Tis not God they fear, it is losing their identity and their *place* in paradise.

Just my take.

"..oh ye of little faith.." I use that one sometimes when a best friend doesn't think a good idea is gonna work. ;)

I used to obsess about finding a gf so much, and lose sleep and mind over it

..worrying don't help a thing. Know you will be taken care of by the powers that be. Thats my policy now, and its far less stressful, eh?

Theory part is easy..practice takes time. Nice foamy waves, btw.

Answer to yer q. is @ me blog..

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